Get your car key at the ready to pay for parking! The simple scratching off of the time and date on the card is the ideal end to any car journey. Pay by Phone? We don’t trust robots with our parking, m’luv.
Do your hedges, branches, trees, shrubs, grass or flowers overhang onto a road or footpath? Naughty! Make sure to trim your vegetation at least twice a year or you’ll be had by a Visit du Branchage inspector and their trusty metre stick.
Co-op Stamps
Since 1969, Islanders have been flocking to the tills to collect these precious stamps. Traditions include only shopping on Double-Divi Day and saving your stamps for the annual Christmas splurge. Every £1 is worth £1.05 in December you know!
Driving Licences
Where else would issue 12 different types of driving licence, by parish, across a 45 square mile radius with 100,000 people? At least the parish badges are cool - St Lawrence get to have their Saint being roasted alive on a gridiron on their licence. Neat.
One Pound Note
£1 notes have been a staple of Jersey’s financial economy since 1941. Pockets weighed down by heavy coins? Not for us, mon vie!
The Jersey passport is a great conversation starter at airports or when travelling. And, if you’re an old-blooded Jerseyman (or Jerseywoman) you’ll even have the Islander Endorsement passport stamp to prove your ancestry (well, until December 2020).
Buying a House
Want to buy a house on any other day except Friday? No can do, m’cocq! Friday is the only legally approved day to buy a house, and if you don’t take a pic with your new keys outside the Cock & Bottle, did the sale even happen? Just don't forget your ties, Gentlemen, or the judge can, and will, stop your purchase.
Visite Royale
The Royal Court are a traditional bunch, shunning modern accounting software in favour of overseeing parish accounts in person. Visite's also include a jaunty parish stroll, with advocates using this opportunity to defend trees against axe-wielding Vingteniers.
Registration Cards
While most governments prefer to add a microchip or magnetic strip to their essential cards, we say no thank you to technology! This basic beauty is the most low-tech solution possible to proving our work and residential status, and we love it.